Do you feel like asking others for help means you’re being a burden? So you go about your business and you struggle alone? I hear you. I’ve lived my life like this for a very long time and it was miserable. It made me feel very lonely.

Here are three questions I’d like you to consider:

  1. How does it make you feel to have to carry it all by yourself?
  2. What is it doing to your relationships (including with yourself)?
  3. In an ideal world, how would you talk to people about your challenges?

Want a little insight into what changed my thinking about his very topic? 

Flipping it helps me, big time❣️ Read on:


It’s about permission to open up to others and let them see us.


What if asking for help gives others permission to ask for help too, and as a result they don’t struggle alone? 🙂 What if it creates connection and builds support networks for your and others? What if the mere act of talking about our struggles makes them more bearable and helps us see the solution? 

Changes the whole story, doesn’t it? It’s about permission to open up to others and let them see us. It’s about honoring ourselves enough to say it’s ok to ask for help and take up someone’s time or energy for a bit. This isn’t about dumping everything on others and sucking their energy. It’s about healthy human exchange. Give and take. 

Have you experienced a change once you started to open up? Are your relationships stronger? Do you feel more capable to weather storms?

Let’s hear it!

Jasmin Egner

The Cordial Coach

Jasmin Egner is a Whole Person Certified Coach, working with clients from various industries across the globe.

Jasmin is a Co-Founder of Cordial Fox Limited and lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.